Automatically Qualify Leads for Sales

If you’re in marketing then you’ve probably had your organization press you for more leads at some point. It’s usually sales that places high demands on marketing to continually generate more leads – and it’s usually marketing that claims they pump new leads into the funnel all the time. These debates on and on, back […]

Revenue Generation Software Use Cases

The next series of posts you’ll see from Lead Liaison articulate various use cases for revenue generation software. Revenue generation software is unique in the marketplace as it ties together marketing automation, sales prospecting, lead generation and inbound marketing solutions together into a single platform. The elegance of these platforms is in the integration and […]

How to Get More Customers by Staying in Touch

Earlier this week we posted an article on how to get more customers. This post follows up that article adding an additional suggestion on how to get more customers. Once you know who your customers are, focus on inbound marketing and adopt a revenue generation software platform such as Lead Liaison’s, you’ll be in great […]

How to Get More Customers

Have you ever taken the time to pull your team together and discuss how to get more customers? If you haven’t, you’re not alone. It’s not something businesses typically take the time to plan ahead for. Here are four ideas you can focus on to get more customers into and out of a revenue cycle. […]

What is Dreamforce?

We’ve never been to Dreamforce before. Last week was our first trip. If you’ve never been you’re probably wondering – what is Dreamforce? Here’s the answer, Dreamforce is what you want it to be. Surely everyone attending the event had different agendas. For us, it was all about soaking up the environment and seeing what’s […]

Necessary Skills to Address the Marketing Gap

Lauren Carlson of Software Advice recently published an article entitled New Skills Needed to Address Marketing Gap. Lauren, and others, made some interesting statements and we thought we’d share them with our readers. The statements describe necessary skills to address the marketing gap and underscore the growing importance of marketing’s role as the B2B buying […]

Lead Nurturing to Keep Your Customers

Lead nurturing is an excellent tool for new prospects; especially those who aren’t quite ready to buy yet. Lead nurturing helps sales people build relationships with prospects while ensuring prospects keep the vendors solutions top-of-mind. All of this is great for prospects; but, what about the benefits to existing customers? Businesses rarely think of lead […]

2011 B2B Marketing Budgets

A recent study by Marketing Sherpa showed a breakdown of B2B marketing budgets in 2011. Frankly, I’m shocked to see how businesses are allocating their marketing dollars. I propose B2B marketing companies re-prioritize their budgets by re-allocating dollars from one marketing investment to another to produce a higher ROI and generate more revenue. Specifically, marketing […]

The Marketing Automation Mistake

There’s a big marketing automation mistake. The marketing automation industry is growing fast. At least $200M was spent acquiring marketing automation software over the past year. That’s a staggering figure considering the “marketing automation mistake”. If some very fundamental misnomers were avoided in the infancy stages then the market would not just grow, but grow rapidly. […]

Marketing Automation for Small Companies

If you’re thinking marketing automation is only for big businesses, think again. Marketing automation for small companies is available now. Historically, micro, small and medium sized businesses (typically <= $5M in sales) couldn’t afford marketing automation systems. It used to be a requirement to spend six figures on a professional program. With the introduction of […]

Sales Automation Software

There’s a lot of talk on the web about marketing automation; consequently, sales automation gets left behind. Although, it’s arguably the most important thing! Are you looking to provide automation for your sales team? If yes, you’ve found the right corner of the web. Sales automation software helps organizations improve productivity, relationships and employee satisfaction […]

Remove Politics for Marketing Automation Success

This is the final article on our blog series related to marketing automation obstacles. The last obstacle has to do with challenges inside an organization. Unfortunately, dealing with corporate politics is something we all have to go through. Politics are not as “thick” with small companies vs. large companies; however, it still persists to a […]

Good Content Marketing Strategy

In July we wrote about “Marketing Automation Challenges – Avoiding Status Quo” and “New Marketing Technology” as two obstacles facing adoption of marketing automation. The third obstacle, which we’ll discuss today, is being “content challenged”. Whether you’re using marketing and sales automation technology to help your business or not, a good content marketing strategy never […]

Alternatives to LeadLander®

Looking for alternatives to LeadLander®? Looking for a lead tracking product? Look no further, welcome to Lead Liaison. Lead Liaison can track your website and much more! LeadLander® has been used effectively by a number of organizations to track website visitors. LeadLander®’s solution is great at identifying which companies visit your website and fits the […]

Marketing Trade Shows

Marketo put together a nice wall-hanging-graphic on marketing trade shows in the United States. Attending all marketing trade shows would be exhausting; but, surely there are a few shows to highlight for attendance. The graphic groups marketing trade shows by region and orders them by month. Dreamforce and MarketingSherpa are two of the biggest shows […]