What is Website Visitor Tracking?

What is Website Visitor Tracking?What is website visitor tracking?

Website visitor tracking is the process of identifying important website activity to generate leads and insight for sales and marketing teams. These solutions generate reports of companies and/or people that visit your company’s website. Visitor tracking is very different from analytic solutions, such as Google Analytics, Clicky, or Woopra. Analytic solutions focus on identifying how your website is performing via statistics such as page views, devices used to access your website, and overall traffic volume.

Solutions such as this are great for SEO companies and marketers trying to measure the impact of their efforts; however, they’re not valuable business-to-business (B2B) sales tools and often time contain more clutter than clarity. Website visitor tracking cuts through the noise to present meaningful business information that sales people can use. This article also discusses the differences between Google Analytics and visitor tracking technology. Hopefully, now you understand what is website visitor tracking more clearly.

For more insight into visitor tracking check out the other posts in this series:

  1. Why Visitor Tracking Technology Exists
  2. How Visitor Tracking Works
  3. Benefits of Website Visitor Tracking
  4. 20 Ways you can Use Visitor Tracking to “Spice Up” Sales and Marketing
  5. What Questions Should you Ask your Visitor Tracking Provider when Evaluating a Solution?