2014 Marketing Automation Industry Report

2014 Marketing Automation Industry ReportTexas-based marketing automation company Lead Liaison was recently featured in Marketing Growth Strategy’s 2014 Marketing Automation industry report. This publication covers the top companies in the marketing automation vertical and profiles size, featured products and relevant contact information.

The report highlights Lead Liaison’s ‘impressive user interface’, business model and consistent growth since inception. Lead Liaison’s robust marketing features and support capabilities are also highlighted. Screenshots from the Lead Liaison interface demonstrate the platform’s flexibility and user-friendliness.

With the addition of even more helpful features to its interface and industry-wide recognition as an increasingly strong leader in the marketing automation space, Lead Liaison is set for more success and notability throughout the remainder of 2014.

Download Marketing Growth Strategy’s 2014 Marketing Automation report using the form below:

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    HubSpot Files to go Public – What Does That Mean for the World of Marketing Automation?

    HubSpot Files to Go PublicAs of Monday, August 25, HubSpot, an industry leader in inbound marketing software solutions, has filed with the SEC to go public. What does the success of HubSpot mean to the rest of the marketing automation community and why should small business owners explore similar solutions? First of all, the ability of HubSpot to go public indicates a level of success: they have plenty of clients that use their service, use their service repeatedly, and refer the service to colleagues. There’s a clear demonstration of market activity in the internet marketing industry, and marketing automation in particular is seeing a significant increase.

    We can read this as: something’s working. Success markers of the industry reflect buyer confidence in the solutions they’re paying for. Taking this a step further, we can imply the close rate of users utilizing marketing automation has increased with the implementation of the software. Win-win.

    While there are several marketing automation services available, it’s critical to the success of your business to choose the one that fits best with your needs and budget. VentureBeat has an excellent report on the ins and outs of several marketing software solutions. “There’s tremendous growth, tremendous opportunity, and tremendous upheaval in this market,” report author Wendy Schuchart says.

    Lead Liaison demonstrates how individual solutions can make a world of a difference in B2B marketing, for example, with a solution called “sparks” as part of their Revenue Generation Software® suite. Sparks automatically triggers actions based on a particular action taken by a prospect. This proves to be an excellent answer for small businesses that have a limited sales staff.

    Our marketing automation solutions were finely crafted for small to mid sized companies. With HubSpot moving up the food chain we’re enjoying our leadership position even more now. – Alan Page, VP Customer Services

    Case in point, imagine one sales rep in charge of a product line. They have calls scheduled to check in on qualified leads, demos to perform, sales metrics to evaluate, etc. In a small business that’s actively growing, sales reps simply do not have the time to successfully nurture prospects, track visitors, score them properly, and appropriately follow up with every single prospect that interacts with your landing page.

    Why is Website Visitor Tracking Important?

    Understanding Why is Website Visitor Tracking Important?Many companies that engage with Lead Liaison are looking for website visitor tracking. The premise is simple – knowing which consumers are looking at a web site places a business in a unique position of power. Truly, visitor tracking is the key to business intelligence for companies of all sizes. Knowing who happens to be looking makes inciting clients to buy that much easier. So why aren’t more companies doing it?

    Website Visitor Tracking – Who Can Do It?

    Many companies don’t engage in visitor tracking solutions because key staff don’t really know that it exists. Google Analytics is one of the most popular tracking platforms out there – and as a general TOS rule, doesn’t allow individual visitor tracking or the flagging of particular IP addresses. As a result, many companies that could use visitor tracking never seek out the solution, or deem it impossible.

    The truth is, tracking software that works with Google Analytics AND does individualized visitor tracking is out there. There are many different types of tracking available – however, it’s important for companies to engage with visitor tracking solutions that meet the company’s overarching needs. In order to find the right solution, staff should discuss overall campaign goals and KPIs.

    What Are Businesses Looking to Achieve?

    Individual businesses want flexibility, but businesses also need power and sophistication. Marketing automation is perfect for any sized business because the right automation software won’t just track visitors – it will give businesses a great deal of intelligence related to the individual visitor, where they are in the conversion/overall sales process and how best to proceed in order to guarantee a sale.

    Many other tracking solutions leave out important steps in this process. A tracking solution that allows individual visitors to be flagged or identified may not then distribute that information in an easy to understand report. Likewise, visitor tracking may not lead to information incorporation into individual marketing campaigns, or have any relativity to overall marketing goals.

    This is where marketing automation steps in. With the right solution, businesses can identify individual visitors, get an idea of where they are in the conversion process and lock in on the best next steps to ensure a sale. Whether it’s sending out a targeted email to the user, setting the user up for a phone call or disqualifying the user entirely, visitor tracking solutions as part of a marketing automation program offer flexibility and sales process intelligence that can’t be found elsewhere.

    Lead Liaison doesn’t just track visitors – our marketing automation software places visitors in lead funnels that help companies determine what needs to be done to make a sale. For a tour of what we do, contact us today and we’d be happy to consult with you!


    Ethical Visitor Tracking

    Make Sure You Have Ethical Visitor TrackingThere will always be buzz in the analytics community about whether or not visitor tracking is ethical. With Facebook’s latest Messenger company and online privacy issues hot on the minds of many internet users, the issue of what data a company should or shouldn’t have access to will likely remain a hot news item over time.

    Regardless, is there anything wrong with companies using visitor tracking to meet their potential or current clients’ needs? When is visitor tracking ethical or unethical? How can businesses ensure their visitor tracking complies with the email programs, analytics programs and marketing automation software they’re using?

    When Is Visitor Tracking Ethical?

    Visitor tracking is all about logging information on individual website visitors for business intelligence use. Having this information on hand allows businesses to determine which action to take that might result in a conversion from the visitor. Whether this is logging IPs, collecting emails or initiating chat with a user, getting personal information about users can be beneficial for many businesses.

    So when is this type of tracking ethical? When a user willingly gives a business information such as an email address, phone number, street address or any other personal data, they’re essentially giving their permission to contact them. Knowing who that user is by logging their IP and identifying further visits to determine which marketing methods might be best is permissible.

    Here’s when it gets tricky – the sharing of information with other net properties or other businesses violates privacy all the way around, can be illegal and gives individual users due cause not to trust a business or engage with them further. It’s important for businesses to disclose that they take privacy seriously, and give users a 100% fair and complete expectation of what will be done with their data.

    The Appropriate Disclosure

    This Lead Liaison blog entry details how unethical visitor collection practices violate user privacy and could cause problems for businesses. To avoid issues, businesses should make sure they are engaging with software and visitor tracking solutions that are ethical at their core. Many marketing automation solutions have the tracking power available to provide business intelligence without violating ethics or spam or privacy laws.

    At Lead Liaison, we take privacy and ethics very seriously. We work to make sure clients can get the intelligence they need without compromising user security or the trust of current or potential clients. To find out more about how our ethical visitor tracking solutions work, contact us for a consult today!


    Leading Marketing Automation Provider Launches Support for Marketing Events

    Lead Liaison introduces flexible, modular architecture to support online and offline marketing events such as Citrix’ GoToWebinar.

    Allen, TX (PRWEB) August 27, 2014

    Lead Liaison, the leading marketing automation provider for small and mid-sized businesses announced new enhancements in their software platform for Events. Lead Liaison Events help companies efficiently manage online and offline marketing events and build automated, repeatable workflows around them. The first Event Partner integrated into Lead Liaison is Citrix’s GoToWebinar. GoToWebinar integration is delivered through Lead Liaison’s App Cloud, a marketplace for marketing automation applications.

    Lead Liaison’s GoToWebinar integration allows customers to fully automate and repurpose events using our Event Connector. Customers manage their webinar by creating a Lead Liaison Event and adding all Prospects in the event into a Lead Liaison Campaign. Registration information is captured from a Lead Liaison landing page hosting a form, a standalone form, or pulled in directly from GoToWebinar. As event members change status from register, attend, don’t show, etc. their status is updated and captured in Lead Liaison.

    Businesses can automate the entire process, from invite to registration confirmation, to short-term follow up and long-tail communication using Lead Liaison Workflows. Businesses no longer have to manually send out webinar invitations, reminders and follow ups all while trying to time their communication around the event. With Lead Liaison’s GoToWebinar integration businesses pre-configure all aspects of event communication and launch the Workflow ahead of time, removing stress around the event. The process is automated from end-to-end.

    Additionally, instead of incorporating email-only invitations and follow up, businesses can now include multi-channel communication (postcards, gifts, print material, etc.) and use a members status to pull reports or slice and dice their database to retarget prospects and customers.

    For more information see the Lead Liaison Events page.

    About Lead Liaison:

    Lead Liaison provides cloud-based marketing and sales automation solutions that help businesses worldwide attract, convert, and close leads. The company markets to small to mid-sized businesses and focuses on providing a user-friendly and innovative Revenue Generation Software® platform. Their software delivers powerful solutions that accelerate sales, improve efficiency and build stronger relationships with prospects, customers and partners through the use of automated processes.

    Press inquiries:

    Amber Turrill
    VP, Corporate Communications
    888.895.3237 (888 89 LEADS)

    The Best Social Commerce Networks for Lead Generation

    The Best Social Commerce Networks for Lead GenerationHow has the face of the marketing evolved since the origination of social networks? Before the spread of social media, good business relied solely on consumer-company interactions. In the modern day, businesses continuously search for ways to convert their consumer-company relationships into sales but the standard look of these relationships has changed. The focus has shifted from consumer–company relationships to consumer–consumer interactions. People will search in google for customer reviews of a product before they purchase because a customer is more likely to trust another customer than a company trying to make profit.

    Promotion of a good product in creative ways increases lead generation, but social commerce is key to driving sales. Social commerce comes in many forms including customer reviews of services and products, sponsorship deals, advertising, etc…Any type of consumer-generated content sharing is a form of social commerce.

    Content-sharing is the basis of social media. In the digital age, social media has a large impact on the success of a business. From a consumer mindset, the size of their internet following determines a business’ quality of product and validity. A plethora of social networks exist, but in terms of social commerce, some are better than others. The only question is which sites work best for lead generation?

    Below we take a look at the 4 major social commerce websites:


    Facebook commerce, better known as F-Commerce, launched in 2011 when companies realized that the social network had a reach of 750 million users. Many people, young adults in particular, gather their news or updates from their Facebook newsfeed. Mainstream society no longer depends primarily on printed media to spread important information. Article-sharing, hashtags, and status updates encourage genuine lead generation among consumers. There are four types of F-commerce: Facebook-onsite selling, Facebook-initiated selling, selling via Facebook, and iFrames/Facebook App. By using plugins, links, consumer engagement, and allowing for creative displays, Facebook remains a viable source for increasing lead generation.


    As a video platform, YouTube is notably successful at lead generation. Studies have shown that colorful graphics and videos are good at attracting a consumer’s attention. In fact, it’s been said that YouTube marketing makes lead generation 50 times more successful than any text-based promotion. Online videos are inexpensive to make and possess a longevity that articles don’t have.


    Polyvore launched in 2011. It allows users to create collage-sets displaying different fashion and beauty trends of their own invention. The site allows the consumer to sell the product by encouraging personal creativity and lets the users promote their own designs. The materials on their collages are directly linked to product sites. The accessibility of products and the use of consumer support increases lead generation.


    Trendii and Polyvore share similarities, but Polyvore is limited to beauty and fashion. Trendii allows their users to create boards with any topic they desire. The site helps the consumer sell the products by establishing creative environments of user-design; Trendii effectively taps into the consumer–consumer interactions that people value. Trendii manages to help people connect virtually, widen their impact, sell to other consumers, and inspire others with their personal creativity. It takes the trending nature of global conversation and ties it to user interests. The strong consumer–consumer relationships built on the site will likely increase lead generation for products massively.

    All social networks are not created equal, but sites such as Twitter, Vine, and Pinterest are making a play towards social commerce as well.

    Always remember that your consumers are your best marketing strategy.

    Alternatives to Optify

    Alternatives to OptifyOptify hit a brick wall in Q4 2013 and closed their doors. That’s unfortunate for the approximately 1,000 companies that currently have Optify installed on their website and are not using a marketing automation solution. We hate to see businesses close shop, but at the same time we’re delighted to offer new opportunities to former Optify clients. The good news is that former Optify customers have alternatives to Optify that they can choose from.

    Lead Liaison provides a powerful alternative to Optify with our marketing automation platform. Former Optify clients can make a smooth transition to Lead Liaison through our “easy to use, easy to buy” philosophy.

    Marketing agencies can also make a smooth migration from Optify to Lead Liaison with our marketing automation for agencies solution.

    Lead Liaison is a cost effective alternative to HubSpot, Pardot, Marketo and other similar solutions. The platform offers all the same features you’ll see in the aforementioned solutions with a handful of innovative features never seen before in marketing automation, such as content creation, multi-channel marketing, and a robust application programmers interface.


    Top 7 Ways to Maintain Customer Retention through Marketing Automation

    Customer RetentionIt’s easy to get lost in the process of lead generation, mindlessly nurturing and scoring in order to convert and build your customer base. However, just as a top-scoring, warm lead is easier to persuade to sign the deal, increasing your customer retention even as little as 5% can produce increase in profit from 25% to 95% percent. Technology makes it even easier to keep in tune with your buyers and ensure you’re staying on their good side. Check out these top seven ways to maintain customer retention through marketing automation:

    1. Understand the insightful feedback. Your current customers are already giving you valuable market information. Check their activity on your site—what are they clicking, downloading, and sharing? Also, don’t forget to encourage feedback from them, whether through social media surveys, website forms, or directed email marketing campaigns. These customers have already been converted, chances are they are nearly guaranteed hot leads with insightful feedback on your products.
    2. Drip Marketing. Maintain customer retention through marketing automation by utilizing personalized drip marketing campaigns. They didn’t open your last email? Try segmenting those customers and sending them a second email, targeted at their needs.
    3. Stay in touch. Don’t quit your lead scoring just because they’ve converted. Continue to score them and determine which content you’re producing is most valuable to (lifelong) customers. Provide helpful how-to’s on the best practices and most recent updates on your products. Cultivate this relationship to maintain customer retention through marketing automation by scheduling regular touchpoints with buyers at least once a month.
    4. Don’t get caught up in filling the top of the funnel. Lead generation will no doubt be an imperative player in your company’s success. There’s no reason to forget about the bottom of the funnel, though. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to capitalize on the leads that are already warm and proven to be ready to buy.
    5. Give them what they want. Analyze buying cycles, particularly those of your current customers, and remind them when they want to buy based on their previous behaviors. For example, if your product is a yearly software program, send out a notification a few months before their service expires, giving them a personalized reminder to renew. Maintain customer retention through marketing automation by giving your customers what they want and when they want it.
    6. Thank them. Give them a special coupon code on their buying anniversary or provide a unique offer right after their purchase. Incentivize them to share your product with others as well through referral systems. Use social media to provide a contest among followers, encouraging their interaction and engagement (AKA business insight) with your company.
    7. Provide the solution. Chances are, your buyers put their trust in you. They count on you to be the expert; in fact, they’re probably paying you to be the expert. Don’t let them down by providing shotty customer service or not updating your resources regularly. Use creative and timely content to maintain customer retention through marketing automation practices.

    Are you Staying on Top of Reputation Management?

    Reputation ManagementReputation management – as a business owner, do you think about it? How often are you scouting your brand on the Internet to see what people are saying about you? If this is something you’re not thinking about, you could be missing valuable opportunities to fix any outstanding customer service issues that are putting you in a bad light.

    Google Thyself

    Sure, you can Google your business – but is that going to tell you everything you need to know? Many customer service complaints are indexable by Google, but things written about your company on social media aren’t always easy to catch.

    Rather than just regularly checking results for your business on Google, it makes sense to check your name and key staff members’ names as well. Are you 100% sure that overemotional and personal blog you kept in high school isn’t accessible on the net somewhere? What about embarrassing Facebook photos, or personal information associated with an old screen name?

    It may not seem like a big deal – but the larger and more successful your company gets, the more you could be a target for your personal details to get out there on the net. It’s best to start thinking about reputation management early in the game, before mistakes happen.

    Reputation Monitoring Services

    When it comes to social media, everyone’s looking for an automated process. It’s so much easier to send out a variety of posts, scheduling them over time, then feel like you have to be at the computer when important business events happen.

    Additionally, it’s also a little painful to consistently search for yourself online, monitor conversations and make sure your reputation is what it should be. It’s very helpful to invest in an automated process that does this for you – letting you know when your brand is mentioned or there’s information out there you should immediately respond to.

    Rather than hiring a social media manager, automated tools can help you keep track of your reputation through tracking your social activity. Finding out the best times to post, responding to clients in a timely fashion and getting a general sense of what clients are saying about you is key to healthy reputation management.

    Marketing automation is a great way to track this data and make sure you’re on top of your social presence and your reputation. Lead Liaison offers robust solutions to help you automate your social processes and ensure you’re staying vigilant about your online rep. To find out more, talk to us about your social and reputation management solutions today!

    Lead Liaison Expands Sales Team

    After a strong Q2, Lead Liaison’s sales force doubles in size

    Allen, TXLead Liaison, a private marketing automation company, recently announced expansion of its in-house sales team, doubling in size from the previous quarter..

    After a highly successful 2nd quarter, Lead Liaison’s executive staff decided to move forward with hiring additional sales team members to bring in new business. With a strong Q3 expected, additional sales staff will allow Lead Liaison to compete with larger marketing automation companies for market share. New sales staff members are helping to collect, follow up on and close leads in an environment with competitive compensation, opportunity for growth and consistent positioning in the market.

    With these new hires, Lead Liaison staff plans to kick off a more ambitious staff recruitment period through Q4 of 2014. With onboarding of more long-term clients, strategic partnerships that lead to more marketing automation services for clients and competitive hiring practices, Lead Liaison looks forward to their strongest year in the company’s history.

    Lead Liaison VP of Customer Success, Alan Page, spoke last week on the new hires:

    “We’re committed to further demonstrating our leadership of marketing automation solutions for small to mid-sized businesses as shown by our efforts to expand our business. We’re excited to grow our team and provider even better support for the demand of our technology. Our new resources will help us have better geographical coverage and more intimate client relationships.”

    Those interested in joining Lead Liaison’s staff are encouraged to contact corporate with a resume and salary requirements commensurate with experience. Visit Lead Liaison’s career page for more information.

    About Lead Liaison:

    Lead Liaison provides cloud-based marketing and sales automation solutions that help businesses worldwide attract, convert, and close leads. The company markets to small to mid-sized businesses and focuses on providing a user-friendly and innovative Revenue Generation Software® platform. Their software delivers powerful solutions that accelerate sales, improve efficiency and build stronger relationships with prospects, customers and partners through the use of automated processes.

    Press inquiries:

    Amber Turrill
    VP, Corporate Communications
    888.895.3237 (888 89 LEADS)