Sample Lead Nurturing Email

Sample Lead Nurturing EmailSuccessful lead nurturing programs have good planning, proper process and great content. Unfortunately, many companies never get to the “great content” step in lieu of perceived difficulty in creating lead nurturing material. We thought we would share a sample lead nurturing email and highlight unique points about the email that are generally applicable to all your lead nurturing content.

Sample Lead Nurturing Email


I thought you would find this short presentation interesting given your interest in protecting software applications. Ben Jones of Alegis Group discussed how to secure software applications from the most common threats. Ben covered three topics:

• Threats facing software applications

• Impact of having software compromised

• What technology is commonly used to protect software

Learn more. View the on-demand webcast.

Take care,

Sue Smith

Sales Development Manager, Security Vault


What makes this sample lead nurturing email unique?

There are six unique aspects of this lead nurturing email that you can apply to any of your lead nurturing emails. Here they are:

There are no pictures.

It looks like a regular email sent from a human being since it’s in plain text. When messages are personal they’re more effective.

It’s personalized.

The sample lead nurturing email is sent from a person and addressed to a person. Lead nurturing is about building relationships from one person to another. It’s not about sending company to company communications.

It references 3rd party content.

Not all lead nurturing content needs to be proprietary. Expand your marketing content library. What can you leverage from the internet, Analysts or Consultants?

It’s short.

Only 73 words! If your emails are more than a few paragraphs you can forget about it getting read. People are busy and inundated with digital communications. Keep it simple and remember less is more.

It’s relevant.

The person’s interest was notated in a CRM. In this instance, we’re sending a relevant email about software security since that’s the prospects interest. Using marketing automation we can trigger tailored communications off of parameters such as this as well as future parameters such as how the person responds to this email or future marketing communications.

It’s casual.

It’s signed in an informal way, “Take care”. Again, when messages are personal they’re more effective as well as believable.

It’s educational.

Notice the purpose of the email is not to sell, but to educate. The timing of this educational-type message is better on the front end of your lead nurturing cycle. Hard sales tactics will turn off your prospect when you’re first building the relationship.

We’ve had other clients purposely misspell words to make automated messages appear as if they came from an actual person. We’ll leave that tactic up to you. ;-)

Hopefully this sample lead nurturing email helps you think of creative ways to increase effectiveness of your lead nurturing campaigns.

We welcome your feedback, comments and suggestions. What sample lead nurturing emails can you share with us? What are some of your tactics?

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