Converting Leads through Smart Nurturing

Smart Lead NurturingA lead has marginal value until it can be successfully converted into a sale. Businesses spend a considerable amount of time and money securing quality leads and cannot afford ineffective nurturing. Use some of these guidelines to convert leads using smart lead nurturing. If the information that is sent out is not relevant and informative to a lead’s specific interests  then the content will be of no value to them. That is why the first step is to qualify leads and segment them based on their browsing history.

Rank and Segment Leads

Qualifying and segmenting leads means breaking each one down into categories then ranking them based on buying potential. It is crucial to assess each lead individually then figure out how they fit into predetermined segmented groups. A company cannot use the same methods to target all leads, but they also cannot create a unique campaign for every potential customer. That is why it is necessary to group them based on similar interests. Once leads have been formally segmented, a company can then create informative content tailored to each unique group profile.

Create Compelling Content

Every lead expects to receive valuable content that will teach them something worthwhile or improve their life in some meaningful way. This information can be presented in the form of whitepapers, webinars, eBooks, blog posts, reports, or any other resource that will educate the reader.  It needs to peak their interest within the first few sentences or it simply won’t be read. If the lead nurturing campaign does not grab the lead’s attention, it will be jettisoned and become absolutely ineffective.

Frequency of Nurturing Matters

Another thing to consider is the frequency of lead nurturing efforts. A smart lead nurturing plan should be sent at least once a month, but never more than once each week. A good campaign needs to maintain a powerful presence without being obtrusive or overwhelming. People receive numerous emails and articles from various sources, so they can quickly be viewed as a nuisance if they take over someone’s inbox.

Converting leads into sales requires a well-thought out, strategic plan. Qualify and group each lead first and then develop an approach catered to each target market segment. Content in every smart nurturing campaign should attempt to establish a business as being an expert in their field, so potential customers feel confident turning to the company’s services when the need arises.  The image that is presented in a lead nurturing campaign is exactly what could make or break a sale.