5 Tips to Revitalize Your Lead Nurturing Campaigns, Part 1

5 Tips to Revitalize your Lead Nurturing Campaign If you’re doing lead nurturing, you’ll want to consider 5 tips to revitalize your lead nurturing campaigns. Today, we’ll give you a couple tips and in our next post we’ll follow up with the final 3 tips. As with most marketing activities, lead nurturing can go stale if your campaign is not well managed. Even when using marketing automation software, creating an effective lead nurturing campaign is not a ‘set-it-and-forget-it’ proposition; it’s important to review results and make changes when necessary. This includes frequent updating, list refinement, and message tweaking. In fact, there are multiple areas that should be examined if response rates fall off.

Monitor Your List

Is your list “clean”? Your database should have properly formatted, current email addresses. Checking for invalid addresses is important, even if you purchased a list from a reputable email list broker. Most email list companies will claim to deliver up-to-date, verified contact information, but often a list will contain anywhere from a few to a substantial percentage of unclean recipients.

A clean list helps ensure that messages are delivered to intended recipients, and if your campaign involves frequent email blasts, then the list should be reviewed regularly. Blacklists (third-party monitoring services used by ISPs) decide whether an email should be allowed, filtered or blocked; therefore, it’s imperative to regularly review delivery reports to see who is blocking your messages and designate that record as inactive.

Test Inactive Subscribers

Just because a contact has not opened a message for a while doesn’t mean you should avoid him altogether. You can achieve results by reconnecting with inactive subscribers. The key is using tools that generate reports about recipient activity. Once you are able to monitor who opens your messages and what they do after viewing a message, then you can segment your markets into active and inactive subscribers.

After a contact has remained inactive for a specific period, try sending a new message. Look for unique opens, not multiple opens from the same recipient; this will reveal a contact’s interest in your message. Using email distribution software – such as our Send and Track tool – can reveal unique opens. Once you have generated unique opens, follow up with an offer that has not been seen by that segment.