Exit Intent: Why It’s Important and How you Can Use it to Convert Website Visitors

Using Exit Intent to Convert Website VisitorsRegardless of best efforts, the reality is that many visitors to your website will still leave your site without making a purchase. Even the biggest online sites experience this same problem. Boosting your conversion rate by one to two points could make a significant difference in terms of failing or succeeding. Needless to say, it’s vital to convert website visitors whenever you can.

The reality is that website visitors are fickle. Some customers will even place items in their shopping carts and then leave without completing a purchase. The good news is that there is a solution to this problem. It’s called exit intent technology and it can be used to convince your website visitors to stay and eventually make a purchase. By enticing visitors who might otherwise choose to leave your website, exit intent technology allows you to hold onto visitors and ultimately increase sales.

How Does Exit Intent Technology Work?

One of the most important things to keep in mind when trying to determine why your visitors are leaving is that something originally attracted your visitor to your site. This could be a product, your brand reputation, or even an effective marketing campaign. Whatever it was, something drew your visitors to your website and encouraged them to look around.

The goal of exit technology is to remind your visitors of what got their attention in the first place. Perhaps you have products that your visitors have not yet seen. If so, you could highlight those products along with appealing prices. Are you currently offering a free shipping option or a special discount? If so, exit intent technology ensures that your customer sees those offers before they decide to leave your site.

Exit intent technology works by tracking the mouse movements of visitors as well as their speed in order to detect the precise moment at which the visitor may be able to exit your website. As a visitor is about to exit the website, an engagement window will prompt the visitor to linger on the site by displaying a highly targeted campaign that matches the visitor’s reason and interest for being on the site.

For instance, perhaps the visitor was reading material to learn more about a specific product. Or, maybe the visitor had expressed interest in prices, but failed to make a purchase. Exit intent engagement windows are deployed at precisely the right time to provide targeted offers or coupons to your website visitors.

Taking Advantage of a Second Chance at Conversion

Even if your first attempt at converting a visitor failed, exit intent technology gives you a second chance to convert that prospect into a customer. This can be approached in a variety of different ways, including reinforcing your original marketing message and call to action, changing to a different offer or message, and capturing contact information. By restating your message differently, you can take advantage of the opportunity to convince visitors to rethink  their decision to leave your website.

Consider a Crash Course

Another effective way to sustain relationships with website visitors and grow your brand is by offering crash courses. Think of these as mini training courses. You could trigger an offer for someone to get a crash course if they try to exit a specific page. You could have a crash course for each of your product/solution pages, or maybe even your pricing page. If someone’s interested, they might accept your offer for free training. You’ll benefit by converting website visitors and capturing their name and/or email. Now you’ll be able to market to them in the future.