What’s the Act-On Savings Campaign All About?
Lead Liaison is running an unprecedented campaign offering companies a 30% savings against similar Act-On services. The campaign is valid for companies in two types of situations; companies currently using Act-On and looking for a change as well as businesses considering Act-On as their marketing automation platform. To be eligible for this discount against Act-On services companies must provide proof of contract or proof of proposal from Act-On. In exchange, Lead Liaison has committed to offer your business similar marketing automation services at a 30% lower cost.
Why Should your Company Consider an Alternative to Act-On?
First and foremost, Lead Liaison strives to create partnerships with their customers. Act-On is pushing hard to sell their company to a larger enterprise. They want your money, not your input. At Lead Liaison we believe in partnerships at the core and shaping our software based on customer input. We’ve been fortunate to bring several customers from Act-On over to Lead Liaison because of three primary reasons:
- Enterprise-level features
- Ease of use (come check it out)
- Flexibility (features and business model)
If you’re a small to mid-sized business and looking for a partner to be there for you as you grow and not looking for a customer-vendor relationship we’re here for you.
What Can Lead Liaison Offer?
Act-On has a comparable business model to Lead Liaison. Their feature set is not as robust as ours and lacks content creation, document tracking, tight CRM integration, real-time visitor tracking and extensive lead qualification. We’ve got an exciting roadmap ahead with loads of innovative features driven by our customer base. If you’re considering Lead Liaison over Act-On expect better ease of use (shorter learning curve), deep personal attention, extensive features and a comparable business model (not to mention your 30% discount). We’re also not going to charge you exorbitant setup fees as what you’d see with Act-On.
We encourage you to take a tour of our platform. We’re confident you’ll love what you see. If you don’t, no harm done – it never hurts to look.
Note: Minimum purchase of $500 per month.